
Comparing Christian Bible And The Sky World Creation Story

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There are several different theories as to how the earth came to be, there are similarities and differences with some of them. It is very clear that there are indeed differences in the stories, along with similarities. Many people are familiar with the Christian Bible version; the earth was created in seven days, Adam was created then Eve from his rib. However, not nearly as many people have heard of the Sky World creation story. Both stories have a tree with something forbidden about it. In the Christian story the character may not eat the fruit which grows from the tree; in the Sky World story the character may eat all the fruit she wish, however, you may not touch the roots or do anything to harm the tree. In both stories there is someone who rebels and does what they were not supposed to with the trees. The woman in Sky World dug to find the roots of the tree and she fell through the bottom of sky world; in the Bible story the fruit was eaten. In both stories, the people were punished in some way. In the sky world story, the Skywoman along with the animals created the …show more content…

In the sky world story, the woman goes to a new world and creates a beautiful, luscious land for her children and descendants to grow up in. It is easy to see that the all powerful god in the Christian creation story is a ruthless and unforgiving leader, whereas the creator of earth in the sky world story was a loving mother and caring person. There isn’t much realism in either story, however, there are morals and it is easy to see the differences in morals. The sky world story teaches forgiveness, patience, kindness, nurturing, and many other things that are valuable for people to learn. In the Bible story, however, it is taught that if you make a mistake or are tempted you should be punished horribly, it also teaches fear and that you should do as you’re told because you are afraid, not because you are a good

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