
Comparing Charlie And Flowers For Algernon

Satisfactory Essays

There are many things that can be compared and contrasted with the short novel “Flowers for Algernon” and the short film “Charlie”.In the novel “Flowers for Algernon” Charlie had a greater friendship with “Algernon” the mouse then in the movie.In the film “Charly” Charie had less of a relotionship with “Algernon” then in the short novel.In the novel “Flowers for Algernon” Dr.strous was a man which gave him more of a mans tone.In the film “Charly” Dr.strous was a women so she was more caring then in the short novel. Charlie”s relationship with miss Kinnian was not as focused on as in the movie.In the movie “Charly” Charly”s relationship with miss Kinnian was foucued and was explaned a lot more than the short novel.Therefore are many things

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