
Comparing Buddhism And Hinduism

Decent Essays

In our world, religions professed by people are many and when you travel you can get in contact with a lot of them. This article will talk about the two main religions in India subcontinental: Buddhism and Hinduism. 
Hinduism and Buddhism influence each other in may ways; but the have developed some differences. Let start from the beginning..
The Buddha is an important figure in both religions; he was born as Siddhartha Gautama, in a Hindu family and grew up, not as a God or a prophet, he was a normal human being who became Enlightened, understanding life in the deepest way possible. His teachings created hope and ambition, in people had no hope of freedom. Hindus claim that he was an avatar of Vishnu and Buddhists claims that he is the highest …show more content…

Buddhists, instead, refuse the idea of a God, they in fact believe in the existence of an Enlightened being, who saves all sentient beings from their sufferings. The concept of enlightenment is concerned with developing a method to escape from the illusions of the materialistic world. For them, anyone can enlighten himself by undertaking a method of mental discipline and a code of conduct.

Talking about the ritual dimension, Hindus practice a variety of different rituals, they greet one another by bowing while pressing their palms together and say “namaste”,which means “I bow to you”. It represents respect for each other and to the divine.
The bindis (red dots on the forehead) that Hindus women wear were originally intended to focus in on the chakra (energy point) during meditation and also for good luck.
Hindus practice different types of yoga that are all focused to improve meditation and to help with their path to a richer spiritual life.
The ultimate experience in Hinduism is finding the “absolute truth within your being.” To find the absolute truth, one must be reborn and their souls must “transmigrate” to reach …show more content…

They contain hymns, incantations, and rituals from ancient India, they give a unique view of everyday life in India four thousand years ago. Bhagavad Gita is one of the central texts of Hinduism, it is a philosophical dialog between the god Krishna and the warrior Arjuna. The Gita discusses selflessness, duty, devotion, and meditation, integrating many different threads of Hindu philosophy. And the Upanishads tell how the soul, Atman, can be united with the ultimate truth, Brahman, through mediation and contemplation and they talk about the doctrine of

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