
Comparing Beowulf's Life And Accomplishments

Decent Essays

Our beloved Beowulf passed away on the 19th day of October on the 789th year. At the young age of 79 he passed in his lovely castle just outside of Scandinavia. His death was the product of a fatal neck wound given to him by the malevolent dragon that terrorized our town. Luckily before his death he and his cousin Wiglaf brought the dragon to its own death saving our town once again. This was one of many and sadly his last great achievement. Throughout Beowulf’s life he achieved a multitude of glorious things. Whenever he was just a youngling barely out of his teens he joined the tribe of Geats and quickly rose through the ranks as one of the strongest. Around his twenties Beowulf was called on by the the king of the Danes, Sir. Hrothgar of …show more content…

These accomplishments were just the tip of ice berg of the many great things Beowulf had done. After he slayed those two demons in Herot he was named the king of the Geats. Beowulf was a now a king who was thrown into the chaotic mess of Geatland. Through many years of sovereignty and selflessness he saved Geatland from utter destruction and invasion. The king before him had sent the economy into a swirling pit of corruption, brought war to the country, and oppressed his people. Soon after Beowulf had become king the Gothic wars in southern Europe began and Beowulf bravely lead his army of Geats to the front battle lines. Although a large number of Geats had passed Beowulf led his army to victory through blood and sweat. From winning these wars Geatland had gained a lump sum of Roman gold. With this gold Beowulf worked diligently to improve the economy and bring more jobs and fortune upon his people. Ten years after winning the wars Geatland was now a thriving and prosperous economy with all the thanks to the mighty king

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