
Compare and Contrast

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Compare and Contrast Economic Market Systems In differentiating between market structures one has to compare and contrast public goods, private goods, common resources, and natural monopolies. All of these are major factors that need to be considered. Public goods are those goods in which all of society benefit from and are equally shared among everyone within. These types of goods can be consumed simultaneously by several individuals without diminishing the value of consumption to any individual. The act of public goods being consumed by several individuals and not allow its value to diminish is known as non-rivalry. When shown graphically, non-rivalry shows that when each of the individuals within society shows a demand for a certain …show more content…

Its also not just about the past it is also about looking towards a positive future. In person-centred therapy there are three core prinables whice are empathy, unconditanal positive regards and congruence. Psychodynamic therapy takes as its roots the work of Freud (who most have heard of) melanie klien (who developed the work with children) and Jung (who was a pupil of Freud yet broke away to devolope his own theories)* In psychodynamic therapy the thory belives that our past effects our present it works on the assumption that all of us have a suc-consious mind so things that have happened in our past that creates feelings that we are uncomfortable with and find to painful to feel so without our awareness we as human beings put in our own defence mecamisam so we sub-consiously denie these feelings, this thory belivs that these defences have gone wrong and are causing the client more harm then good during therapy we can identifie these true feeling and investigate them to see them for what they really are and then they become less painful to deal with. Transference is a big part of pyscodynamic theories. When we first meet somebody we can usally decide sub-consiously if we are going to see that person again and continue a relationship with them. Most people we meet in

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