
Compare Iliad And Achilles

Decent Essays

Great Heroes

(A Comparison and Contrast of Homer’s Heroes in the Epics Iliad and Odyssey)

“Until now we used to say that the Greeks fight like Heros. Now we say: The Heroes fight like Greeks” (Winston Churchill). Western Civilization have been focused and built on the Greeks, especially their hero’s. The two main heroes of the Greeks were Achilles and Odysseus, from the two great Epic poems. Although, the heroes Odysseus and Achilles from Homer’s epics the Iliad and Odyssey display several differences and similarities.

The Great Heros from Homer’s epics can be easily separated in their ways of emotional responses. Looking solely at emotional responses, one can see that the Iliad’s hero Achilles displays his’ emotions far stronger than Odyssey’s hero Odysseus. A perfectly illustrated example of how fiercely emotional Achilles is can be located on the first line of the Iliad, where it states “ the anger of Achilles son of Peleus, that brought countless ills upon the Achaeans. Many a brave soul did it send hurrying down to Hades, and many a hero did it yield a prey to dogs and vultures” (Iliad line 1). Achilles rage will send many a brave soul to Hades... The first line states the Achilles is unable to control his emotions at all. The first line almost suggests that Achilles is emotionally unstable. While Achilles is emotionally unstable the other Greek hero is almost in complete control of his emotions. This article named “Where does Odysseus show Emotion” and by

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