
Compare And Contrast Updike And Good People

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David Foster Wallace’s “Good People” and John Updike’s “A&P” are similar and different in some ways. In “Good People,” the main character, Lane Dane Jr., who comes from a religious family, is bewildered when he and his girlfriend face an unplanned pregnancy. Readers can tell Lane’s mind is perplexed and the tone of the story changes from gloomy to calm when the author uses the reflection of sunlight on the lake to symbolize Lane’s complicated thoughts. In “A&P,” the protagonist, Sammy, is a cashier who wishes to break away from his conventional lifestyle when he sees three girls walk in the supermarket with bathing suits. From here, readers can tell the author has created a social gap between Sammy, the customers and the three girls and the …show more content…

At the beginning of “Good People,” the tones are gloomy and dreary when the reflection of the sunlight on the water shallow is dark. Yet, the darkness of the water shallow does not last long when Lane notices “part of the lake further out flashed with sun ̶ ̶ the water up close wasn’t black now,” (Wallace 257). It is at this moment, which readers can tell the tone of the story becomes calm because the angle of the sun no longer causes the water of the shallow looks dark. This setting also symbolizes Lane has a clearer mind than before because he understands no matter what decisions he makes, a consequence will always follow. Meanwhile, the tone in “A&P” is not calm, but informal. It is informal because Sammy dehumanizes the customers in A&P and refers them to sheep. He said, “the customers had been showing up with their carts, but, you know, sheep, seeing a scene, they had all bunched up on Stokesie,” (Updike 166). Sammy thinks the customers are like sheep because they blindly walk through the aisles and just follow what others are doing. They do not want to take a step forward and leave their confront zones. Therefore, Sammy thinks the sheep is a good representation of the customers. By drawing an analogy between the A&P supermarket and a farm with sleep, the author has created an informal tone and that is different from “Good

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