
Compare And Contrast The Lottery And The Rocking Horse Winner

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Fiction may entail deranged or preposterous stories that an author can think of, additionally a fiction story might be events that are likely possible but just not true. Fictional characters are whatever the author needs or wants them to be in a story, there are no boundaries for these characters. In “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson and “The Rocking-Horse Winner” by D.H. Lawrence they both use characterization and conflict to show how personal choices lead to specific outcomes, ironically the characters of each story are nearly opposite. Character analysis is an excellent method to understanding the author’s intent to the readers.
“Fictional character is an imaginary person represented in a work of fiction” (thefreedictionary, 2017) There are three main characters in “The Lottery” which have different personalities. The author sets up the story in a very realistic manner describing …show more content…

He doesn’t favor the young generation and is very conservative about the continuation of the lottery believing it stabilizes the community, any variation of the lottery would result in economic failure.
The leader of the lottery in which he was possibly appointed himself, but it is known and not tested by any of the community. His leadership is near tyrannical because he has the power to announce who will be stoned to death.
“The Rocking-Horse Winner” has four main characters in a story that is based on luck. Paul is the little boy who knows his mother doesn’t love him. In the agony of loveless emotions from his mother he tries to become lucky to become rich. He gets too into it and is almost psychotic as he rocks his horse in a craze saying, “There must be more money!” until he flopped to his own demise.
Oscar, Paul’s avaricious uncle that basically conspires with Paul’s mom to overpass her son’s death and keep the money she gained from her son’s lucky pick of the

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