
Compare And Contrast The Fall Of The House Of Usher

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What is the allure of fear? Everyone is afraid of something, whether it is being alone, seeing something you do not like, or even spiders. When watching a movie or reading a story, how do authors use transformation to scare us? Setting and detail play a big role in scary stories, when authors change things from something you think is normal or good for something that is out of the ordinary it takes us by surprise and may scare us. For example, when the author starts a story off with a character that seems like the antagonist, he/she can later make this character the protagonist. It takes us by surprise and can make the story even more interesting. Authors such as Edgar Allan Poe use a certain creative writing style to change things to make …show more content…

They use a create a tone and setting and situations you would not want to imagine being in. Some authors that use this kind of detail etc. are Edgar Allan Poe, Ishmael Reed and Louise Erdrich. In the story The Fall of the House of Usher by: Edgar Allan Poe from start to finish of this story Poe uses dark details to describe the plot. He reflects the opposition between reason and fantasy, he does this by creating scenes and situations that are not realistic but would be terrible to experience. For example, ghosts roaming the hallways, or the dead coming back to life to haunt you. An example of the details Poe uses in his story is on page number 13 paragraph 1. ¨During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on a horseback...¨ This shows how he transforms, sets the tone and mood of the story by using very bleak detail. This also shows how he creates a situation that may be frightening to others like riding on the back of a horse in a creepy place. In the Fall of the house of Usher, Poe tells a story about how a man is invited to his old friend's house, the house is large but yet the only people living there are the friend, Roderick and his sister, Lady Madeline, the relationship Poe writes about the two

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