
Compare And Contrast The Birthmark And To Build A Fire

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Stories with a Revelation According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, epiphany is defined as “a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something.” For the characters in “The Birthmark” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “To Build a Fire” by Jack London this is exactly what happens. Explored in the following paragraphs are what exactly these characters realized as well as what meaning the revelations has for them. Epiphanies are rare but powerful occurrences that can reshape the way a person perceives their lives. For Georgiana and Alymer, they one day discover that they were not compatible at all. Alymer cannot stand the sight of the birthmark and it bothers Georgiana deeply that her husband is so discontented by it. Georgiana has been blessed with a birthmark that …show more content…

They are trying to escape and the quickest way possible is through the mind’s eye. Discussed below is how these visions influence the characters, the role the subconscious mind plays, and what these fantasies reveal about our heroes. Daydreaming can be a wonderful way to escape but for these men it was the vehicle for living. “Peyton Farquhar was dead; his body with a broken neck, swung gently from side or side beneath the timbers of the Owl Creek Bridge” (146). This was the reality Mr. Farquhar was fleeing: his hanging. One can hardly blame him for dreaming that the rope broke and he floated away down the river to the comfort of his family. He wanted desperately to get away that he imagined so while he was dying. The story starts out to feel hopeful when it seems Peyton has escaped his capturers and then abruptly the realization hits that he was just trying to project himself to a different place as to not face the dreadful

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