
Compare And Contrast The American And French Revolution

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Throughout history there have been many revolutions that have helped shape society to the way it is today. The American and French revolution are one of these most important revolutions to this day. It is what shaped the united states and France into the countries they are today. Even though both the American and French revolutions were important, they also had their difference.

The French revolution was an internal rebellion meaning that the people of France stood up against king Louis XVI to overthrow its monarchy government. The revolution began in 1789 and ended in 1799.
The American revolution was a rebellion against the British occupants in the united states due to unfair treatment of taxes and many other things. This revolution began in 1765 and ended in 1783 when the treaty of Paris made the independence official. At the time of the American revolution, king George III was the English ruler in which they fought against while King Louis XVI was whom the French overthrew and defeated.

Not only did the French overthrow the king, they publicly executed him by beheading him in January of 1793. The violence did not end there, not only was king louis executed but so was his wife, Marie Antoinette for high treason in October of 1793. King Louis and his wife had one son before they were both executed and since he was heir to the throne, they put him in jail. The son Louis XVII died at the age of 10 from harsh jail conditions in 1795.

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