
Compare And Contrast Senate Vs House Of Representatives

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Article One of the U.S Constitution grants all legislative power to the House of Representatives and a Senate. This is the result of a compromise, as the House is often in the interest of the popular majority while the Senate deals with the state's interest. This results in the House voting better with majority while the Senate favors long deliberation. House Representative have two year terms, while Senators terms are 6 years. However Representatives and Senators have no term limit, so they can run for re-election as many times as they want. We have 100 Senators, two for every state and 435 Districts. These amount of Representatives is depends of population of their districts. Only the House can originate revenue legislation while the Senate approves of Presidential Nominations and treaties. Both branches do get there own …show more content…

If suggested by a person, and the Representative will research and then write and draft the bill. In the house the bill is as to be scheduled, and then called for a reading, if not called the bill effectively dies. If read the bill is then assigned a committee, if not assigned the bill dies. The committee, after deliberating it can call for a public discussion, is the bill does not get the majority or tabled. If the bill is tabled, and does to come back for another public discussion, the bill dies, like if it did not get the majority. If the bill passed it has a second reading, for amendments and weighing pros and cons. The amendments can be approved by a majority vote. After that vote they vote again, and the bill dies or advances. If not scheduled for a reading, the bill dies. If amendments are proposed, they need a ⅔ majority to pass. After that everyone votes, if a majority is not received the bill dies. If passed by both branches, in the same form then it goes to the president. This process is mirrored at the state and city

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