
Compare And Contrast Qin Dynasty And Han Dynasty

Decent Essays

• Chinese believed that everything is balanced by an opposite (yin and yang)
• Believed in the harmony of oneself (the philosophy is called Dao)
• Dynasty- a family of kings
• Patterns in Chinese dynasties o Tax revenues declined and dynasties would grow weaker o They would also get invaded o Once the dynasty declined a new dynasty emerged and the cycle started again
• Zhou Dynasty (1029-258 B.C.E.) o Governed through alliances with noble families and regional princes instead of a power government o Rulers gave land to their families and other supporters o The land owners were then supposed to provide tax revenues and troops o Failed after the supporters solidified their own power base and disregarded the central government
• Contributions …show more content…

 Caused peasants to revolt
 Led to the establishment of the third dynasty, Han (202 B.C.E.)
Han Dynasty lasted 400 yrs. o Had similar administration as the one in Qin Dynasty except they wanted to reduce the brutal repression o Extended China to Korea, Indochina, central Asia
 Location helped them to be in contact with India and the Parthian Empire (Mediterranean) o Ruler Wu Ti (140-87 B.C.E.) made peace throughout Asia (helped China prosper) o Reversed the policies of the Qin Dynasty and instead supported Confucianism o After 2 centuries the dynasty began to decline
 Central control weakened
 Attacks from central Asia by the Huns o China was in a state of chaos between 220 and 589 B.C.E.
• Political Institutions o Qin Dynasty- stressed authority o Han Dynasty- expanded the powers of the bureaucracy o China relied on patriarchal families
 Believed in the worship of ancestors o Areas were ruled by village leaders where there wasn’t a strong belief in worshiping

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