
Deontological Theories Of Kant Vs. Aristotle

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Kant vs. Aristotle Human beings constantly ask questions regarding the nature of morality. In this process of prescriptive inquiry, they invoke specific ethical theories to explain the concept of right or wrong. The reason is that morality is concerned with the question of good or bad of an action. When determining the morality of actions, there are two principles of ethical philosophies that must be contrasted. These philosophies are teleological and deontological theories of ethics. While teleological ethics concentrates on the consequences of actions to achieve some sort of end, the deontological theories assert that morality is an obligation thus cannot be reduced due to the creation of desirable outcomes. Given these distinctively opposite traits of the two ethics, it is obvious that the methods of approaching moral theories are differs from each other. Kant and Aristotle developed theories that are contradicting to each other, however, both of them gives us a reason to ask questions and seek answers. This essay will be analyzing main ideas of two philosophers and comparing the theories introduced by them. Deontological ethics are described as duty-based theories since they are associated with obeying the absolute moral rules. There are different deontological theories. Divine Command is deriving its set of rules from the God. For instance, …show more content…

On the other hand, these theories are widely used in many aspects of everyday life. Many judicial decisions and school of jurisprudence are based on these theories. As I mentioned before, an example of Dudley vs. Stephens was based on Utilitarianism. The main actors were released from prison based on the doctrine of necessity. Namely, they were forced by circumstances to eat a cabin boy. Therefore, they acted in accordance with rule “greatest good for the greatest

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