
Compare And Contrast John Smith And William Bradford

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John Smith and Governor William Bradford were two influential men in the New World during the early 1600’s. Both wrote of their experiences in America and desired to settle the land. Both came from different backgrounds and had different experiences that affected their point of view on the natives. While Smith roamed Virginia as a scout and military man, Bradford planted his church community at Plymouth. They both describe their events in different points of views and different styles of writing. They both started off with the same plan but had completely different experiences and because of that they depicted their interactions with the natives very differently.

John Smith and William Bradford would both agree that the New World should be inhabited and settled, and that good, hard-working men should develop the land. In contrast though, they both envision a slightly different America. John Smith wants an industrialized America and to conquer the natives. On the other hand, William wants the New World to be a another version of England and for only his people to populate it. They both had a purpose of settling the New World and making a good place for their people but because of their backgrounds they experienced different things. …show more content…

They both experienced hard times with growing food and staying healthy. After Smith departed him and his men experienced many hardships including illness, starvation and exhaustion. While Smith was on an expedition he was attacked by three hundred indians. They spare his life but kill his men, because of this he often refers to them as savages. William and his men’s experience with the indians was peaceful and happy. They were on such good terms they participated in a period of sharing food with one another, later called the first

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