There are differences and similarities to compare and contrast between high school and college. The things that can be compared in high school and college are the cost of both, the school year, attendance, and grades. But before we compare those things we need to ask ourselves, why is comparing and contrasting high school is important? Why does it matter? What is the reason for these differences? And what comprehension can we get from these differences? We well be able to answer all those questions when we done comparing and contrasting.
High school and college are completely two different steps in your life high school. While both sides are different in many ways, college life can be very difficult for some student while high school most of the students find it easy in many ways.
High school is normally free and mandatory for most of the students based on the financial life of the student’s family for example when I entered high school I was not required to pay for anything including lunch because my family was financially unstable at the time but for some families that are financially stable they can afford to get their kids in a private high school which is more expensive than public high school.
College is different for all the students it can be free or it can be very costly but in this situation the student’s GPA will determine while he or she will have to pay or not. Normally if the student has a GPA of 3.0 or above he or she will not pay for any public college
High school and College are different because in college students get to choose the classes they would like to take. Everyone knows that in High School there are classes which are necessary to take in order to graduate with a diploma, but in College one gets to choose the classes he or she needs. College is where people get to focus on a career they choose to enter and taking courses that one does not need can delay the amount of time
In high school a student will get a worksheet that can be completed in 15-20 minutes, but in college there is a lot more researching, reading, and homework. The work will be much more difficult and will require a lot more effort and time,but I am willing to try my best. I will need to study more often and be able to manage my time to pass my classes to get the credit that I need to graduate and some extra for college. So far in high school, I have taken the highest level class my high school has to offer,I took advantage of it . Colleges are more strict and require more time, but the best education a person gets the bigger of a chance they will head down a wonderful path in
There is a big difference between high school and college from having bells to a no dress policy. For high school students, they are obligated to go, and if they don’t attend then the government comes into play. As for college, it 's a choice to go back to school. Students in college have variety of classes to choose from and freedom,etc. This could be freedom from parents or just doing whatever you want without parents barking at you, because you are now an adult. Even though I have been in college for only a semester, I would say that I enjoy college more than high school due to personal reason,and to pros and cons, of the different schools.
First off, everyone must attend high school. High school does not cost compared to the extensive expenses one accumulates while attending college for many years at a time. High school only last four years, but college can differ depending on one’s major or degree they are attempting to obtain. In high school, everyone is working to achieve the same goal which is a high school diploma, while college offers many different majors, degrees, vocational programs, and career options. Expenses come in with textbooks, tuition, and other miscellaneous factors. College is optional unlike high school. Some people have the firm believe that college is necessary to be successful and other do not.
College is a lot better than high school in my opinion because you have been given way more freedom and opportunities to succeed.
College and high school are both alike because students at both institutions have academic advisors or guidance counselors to help guide them in the right direction toward their intended major or future occupation. High school and college are very
Even though high school and college have the same purpose, each has a very different way of handling students and their policies. High school is a lot more strict with their rules including dress codes and schedules. However, college professors and deans treat their students more as adults, and expect them to do what they are supposed and act how they are supposed to. Education after high school is a responsibility, not an obligation. You are no longer forced to become educated, but much rather choose to be.
High school learning is where you are a passive learning who sits, listens to the teacher, at times write a paper, and take a test, which you are expected to simply say what you have learned or has been spoken by the teacher. On the other hand, in college learning, instead of your teachers being Mr. or Mrs., you now have to get used to say "Professor or Dr." In college, you will not be provided
A big difference between college and high school is a new place of living. When you're at home and going to high school your parents cook, shop, and make sure you do your work. At college things are different; you have to do all those that you parents did at home. An example would be doing your laundry. Not many kids do their own laundry, so when it comes to college, things are very different. That's why people say that when you're in college you tend to mature due to the new style of living, which is living on your own.
In conclusion, these three topics show how college offers more freedom than high school in not only academics, but also socially as well. College has less hours per week in class then high school does, also allows the students to have more time with friends well in high school, a student is not always in class with someone they know, and also allows a student to eat lunch to avoid being late than in high
The first concept that makes high school and college different is in regards to workload, both out of class and in class. At Pine Island High School, the majority of my classes were fairly simple regarding the amount of homework I was given and the clarity of the instructions. Each assignment that was assigned gave step by step directions regarding the task at hand .The teachers taught us students the information in a manner that made it very easily understood. The teachers took advantage of Microsoft PowerPoint and Word for our convenience of viewing the material in a fast and efficient manner that helped us students learn in a clear and advanced fashion. If I ever needed clarification regarding class work, I could always rely on my teachers
Firstly, colleges are more expensive than high schools. Colleges are more expensive than high schools because college takes one step further to provide a higher level of education. “You’ve probably heard the saying, “You get what you pay for.” I have found that to be generally true” (Berry). Moreover, some people may have to pay even more to get education because it depends what kind of education do they want to get while in high school whatever classes I take I do not have to worry about paying for them. In addition, in college, we buy books from book stores for our classes while high school
The differences between school and college are that you are officially entering adulthood to where you cannot rely on your parents to get you to school or your classes on time. It becomes your responsibility to show up to your college classes and if you do not it is your responsibility to make up the class material that you missed. In school if you missed a day they will usually call your parents, but in college it is your responsibility to show up to your classes. Other than taking only your core classes in school, in college you have you have the option to take courses based on what your career in life will be, to set you up for the future and help you be better prepared for your career path. Unlike school you have the option in college in college to have dorms that the college provides with a payment you can live on campus which would cut down the cost to travel to the school/ college you are attending. In college you have less restrictions and more freedom unlike a typical school. In school you are required to show up a certain amount of days, there are usually dress codes st in place, tardies exist, and stricter rules on behavior are enforced for all students attending the school, and if you go against these rules there are consequences. In college you are most likely away from your parents care and
Although one might think that college is simply one step above high school, there are several differences between the two, and one must be prepared for what’s ahead. This essay will discuss a few of the most important differences between high school and college.
In the Western hemisphere/United States culture, high school and college are considered the golden years of a young person’s life. Typically, a student’s senior year of high school and their freshman and junior year of college are the most life changing years that they will experience. This transition can be exciting and fun, but at the same time it is very challenging. College and high school are two totally different experiences; they have many similarities but have many differences at the same time. While High school stresses discipline and homogeneity, college makes us more self-reliant and ultimately more accountable and responsible.