
Compare And Contrast Hawaii And Mexico

Decent Essays

Vacation; "an extended period of recreation, especially one spent away from home or in traveling." (google) Although, there is only one definition for vacation, each vacation spot has it's own "claim to fame". Maui, Hawaii and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, have many things in common, but little do people know they are actually quite diverse. I've got to experience both places, and compare them to each other. However, I will let the reader determine which is better.
To paint a picture, Mexico and Hawaii, are both filled with countless sandy beaches, angelic turquoise waters, and heat so satisfying. When I went there, there were big pool resorts, breath taking sunsets, and magnificent views. Nobody could go wrong with these stress less, relaxing, and warm vacation spots. In fact, they are both very popular get a ways. …show more content…

However, Maui and Cabo have many variations. For example, Maui is filled with mostly retired people. When I went there, there were retired people who lived in our condo and the beaches were quiet and partially empty because of the lack of kids playing on the beach. On the other hand, Cabo was "party city". There were so many people at our resort, mainly college kids, the beaches were much more crowded and loud, it got crazy, and stayed crazy all night. Although, their beaches and pools look the same, the people that were on them or near them changed the entire experience for me. It doesn't seem like a big difference because you're on your vacation with your family not them, and you're relaxing, but surroundings give you a whole different

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