
Compare And Contrast Greek Rome And Athena

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Greek, Roman, What's The Difference? By Maya Angorn You're living in ancient Greece with your family. Since your father is a famous inventor, you live in a mansion with servants for your every need. Your father has even dedicated a temple for Zeus to you. This morning you walk to the temple and bow down in front of the altar, you give thanks for what you have and for your good fortune. Before you leave, you place a bowl of rich chicken broth on the altar, your favorite. Then you walk to the altar of Demeter, Athena, and Artemis, giving thanks for the harvest,the hunt, and that your aloud to learn and gain wisdom. When you're done giving the alters food from the harvest and a basket of wildflowers, you go inside to …show more content…

They are alike but are also quite different. Artemis is Greek and is very outgoing and loves to go hunting with her hounds. Diana is a Roman Goddess and is more shy than outgoing. She spends most of her time hunting by herself.
Artemis the Brave
Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and Leto (A titaness) and Greek Goddess. She has a twin named Apollo. Artemis is the Goddess of the hunt, the moon, the wild, young girls, and most surprisingly childbirth. Even though Artemis swore to never marry she's the Goddess of childbirth, or is at least perceived so because when she was born she immediately helped her mother with the birth of her twin Apollo who came about three minutes after her.
Most surprising of all, is that most of the olympians were half brothers or sisters because Zeus kept on running off with other Goddesses and Titans and having children. Another thing is that, Niobe bragged that she had had more children that Leto. (Niobe had had 14) then, Artemis and her twin Apollo hunted the children down and killed them (Gory right?).
These photos show us the greek and Roman family trees and how they are different. Pictures from …show more content…

She is a Roman Goddess. She has a twin named Apollo, the same as her Greek version Artemis. Diana is the Roman version of Artemis but with a few tweaks here and there. For example, Diana is the Goddess and protector of the poor and helpless. Even slaves could find sanctuary in her temples. One other thing is that if a slave wanted to become a priest of her temple he (it would always be a boy, girls weren't allowed to be priests) would have to break off a branch from one of her sacred olive trees and fight the former priest to the death, so you can guess how the trees looked after a

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