
Compare And Contrast Standardized And Differentiated Global Marketing

Decent Essays

(b) Compare and contrast standardized, concentrated and differentiated global marketing. Illustrate each strategy with an example from a global company The standardized model has a centralized and controlled strategy maker through the home office initiative. The home office aspires integration and interdependence among subsidiaries to intensify the efficiency in producing the same products using the same technology and machineries with little need of research or product modification. At the rare times it developed a new product, its value to the firm is positively disproportionate as subsidiaries would impart the products success if the market respond to this innovation.
Due to sharing of resources, coordination costs that can have internal/ personal costs increases. The model also undermines the potential of securing higher profits through local responsiveness while products tend to be mass produced.

With respect to product, standardized marketing differs from its opposite extreme concentrated marketing as products are introduced to a foreign country without any change*. Although the strategy is …show more content…

As a result, the necessity for product invention plays vital role not only for faster reaction to market needs but also permanent realization of profits. The National Cash Register Company adjusted to relativity of product life cycle across different countries which constituted backward invention. It sold crank operated cash register at cheaper price compared to global pricing to anticipate the local response to relatively unknown machine. Forward invention, on the other hand, gave Toyota a rationale to design specific vehicles to suit the budget of less developed countries. Although this strategy is very promising in the longrun, Startup product innovation/ research and substantial financing connotes risky venture to

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