
Compare And Contrast Essay On 1984 By George Orwell

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Today, in the 21st century, we live in a society that is constantly monitored by our government. Though many would say this is common knowledge, what people do not realize is the extent of which we are being monitored and how some of these techniques, software, and devices violate the privacy of American citizens. The book 1984 by George Orwell is a grim depiction of a constantly monitored dystopian future after a global war. Some of the techniques and devices that are used to monitor the citizens in 1984 are similar to the ones used today. The extent to which these are used could either hurt us or help our society. Nationwide surveillance in the United States has grown substantially with the global advancement in technology in the 20th and 21st century. The internet gave the world a way to connect with anyone at any time in a moments notice. This advancement in technology led to other advances like GPS which can track your exact location down to mere feet. In 1984, the main character Winston is constantly being watched by T.V’s and Cameras which are called “ Telescreens”. These can see and hear your every move. Winston …show more content…

Armstrong states that archiving footage for later analysis would deter criminals from crime because they would be scared of future punishment. He states that there would be fewer laws for the police to enforce, billions saved from military expenses, catching lethal pandemics before they spread, prevent terrorist use of bombs and nukes, eliminate the need for passwords, and the list goes on. Venues wouldn’t need security and Drivers who crashed into parked cars would no longer need to leave a note. They’d be tracked anyway, and insurance companies would have already settled the matter by the time they returned home. The list even goes

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