
Compare And Contrast Egypt And Mesopotamia

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At the start of early civilizations, many people created ideas, that were similar, and also different. Examples of this can be shown from both Mesopotamia, and from Egypt. The unfair treatment and lack of freedom women received was a similar characteristic in both Egypt and Mesopotamia. As well as this, the 1 key leader of each civilization, is key for both Mesopotamia and Egypt. But, Mesopotamia did use the aspect of structure classes for their people, and Egypt did not incorporate this into their civilization. These key subjects lead to the development of making stronger, smarter, and more enhanced civilizations, by learning from these aspects. In the religious aspect of both Mesopotamia and Egypt, their gods were connected to aspects of nature. Gods represented power and strength, and this was mainly shown through the power of nature. Examples of this can be shown by the Egyptian gods Osiris, Re, Ptah, and Amon, who each represent an aspect of nature. Mesopotamia also has gods, like Tiamat, Anu, and Aruru. Since the location of both Mesopotamia and Egypt forced them to use nature to their advantage, it can be assumed that they viewed nature as something that was powerful and treasured, in a way that they needed to respect it. They did this by rituals, songs, and offering. The Mesopotamian literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh, showed the power of the gods. Examples of this is the mass flood, the ability to grant someone immortality, and also the ability to punish by death.

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