
Compare And Contrast Descartes And The Evil Demon Argument

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This essay will critically discuss both of Descartes arguments – The Dreaming argument and The Evil Demon argument. It is clear to say that both of Descartes arguments casts doubt and this is made clear through the first meditation. Throughout this essay I will evaluate both arguments and critically evaluate the Evil Demon argument.
In this section I will thoroughly discuss and explore both of Descartes arguments. Firstly, scepticism is the doubting of knowledge or the doubting of a belief. Descartes holds the view that to know something or attain a certain belief for example God is omnibenevolent, I must know that God is omnibenevolent, believe that God is omnibenevolent and have reasoning/evidence that God is omnibenevolent. I think Descartes definition of knowledge is logical because again using the example God is omnibenevolent, I can’t know that God is omnibenevolent if I don’t believe that it is true and if I have no justification or reasoning for believing that God is omnibenevolent then I can’t possibly be certain that He is omnibenevolent. Descartes believes without knowing, believing and having reasoning/evidence, I cannot know that God is real. Descartes argues that “it is prudent never to trust completely those who have deceived us even once” . Descartes argues that you cannot trust someone or something which has made you believe or accept a false truth. For example, in Descartes 6th Meditation he writes “sometimes towers which had looked round from a distance appeared square from close up; and enormous statues standing on their pediments did not seem large when observed from the ground”. This indicates that it is very easy to be deceived by someone or something which results in someone believing a false truth therefore I agree with Descartes that you cannot trust something which has deceived you more than once. Furthermore, looking at Descartes dreaming argument, the dreaming argument is an argument which infers when you are asleep, you can have dreams which do not allow you to distinguish whether you are asleep or awake. Dreams very often lead the dreamer to believing false situations which does not enable to dreamer to know they are asleep. The dreaming argument is about if you should trust

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