
Compare And Contrast Coontz And Cherlin

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Both Stephanie Coontz and Cherlin thought that the basis for marriage moved away from an economic partnership and toward emotional satisfaction and companionship. Coontz said that marriage was used for making political and economic alliances for the upper and middle classes in the past and was a practical matter for the lower class because it was difficult to run a farm all by oneself. Today, the marriage is about love and relationships. Cherlin also stated that in the 1900s, people began to seek happiness and romantic love in marriage. In addition, both of them believed that the marriage was more fragile and less stable than before. I also agree with them. As more and more women come to work outside, men and women become more economically …show more content…

For example, Cherlin outlined that the government’s support for marriage, which made it difficult to divorce, was necessary and proper. On the contrary, Coontz insisted that the government support was problematic. For example, in the 1930s and 1940s, the one wanting a divorce could not have done anything wrong, which was unrealistic. Under this rule, a wife was unable to get rid of a violent husband if she did something wrong in the marriage. I also think the government’s support for marriage and opposition of divorce was problematic. Individuals should have the freedom to enter and exit from the marriage. An unhappy marriage can negatively affect both parties as well as children. In addition, they seemed to hold different opinions on parenthood outside marriage and premarital intercourse. Coontz said that there was more adultery than there is today and it was widely acceptable for men to have mistresses in the 18th century. Sex outside marriage was also common in the 19th century and related politicians included Thomas Jefferson, Warren Harding, and Grover Cleveland. Cherlin stated that in the middle 20th century, few children were born outside marriage, but premarital intercourse began to increase since the 1900s. Personally, I think both of them are right. Parenthood outside marriage and premarital intercourses are more common today than before. However, extramarital sex becomes less common today than

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