
Compare And Contrast Chesapeake And New England Colonies

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Many European countries like France, Spain and England tried to empower their economy and take advantage of the New World after Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. However, in 1607 England was able to start it is first achievement which was the Chesapeake settlement, the first permanent settlement for England or the Jamestown settlement in Virginia. Another English colony started in Plymouth that was the first settlement in the New England area in 1620. Both Chesapeake and New England colonies faced many difficulties adjusting with the New World. Chesapeake and New England society were totally different in religion, social structure, economy, families, and living standards .Although …show more content…

Although Virginia and Maryland had some differences in politics and roles, they were similar in economics, population and even growth which gave them special identity. After Bacon’s Rebellion the reshaping of Chesapeake society was based on race. African slaves or black slaves were substituted instead of white servants. By late seventeen country children in Chesapeake society were required to take immunities to help them surviving. That is resulted in long and healthier life period. To survive some companies in Virginia in 1618 changed some of its policies to get away from problems and to motivate workers. In Chesapeake society people survived after all the problems they faced and the community was able to move successfully.
Widows in Chesapeake society had economic power more than any widows in other society. Chesapeake husbands were generous and allow their wives control of their estates. Moreover, there were more men than women in Chesapeake society where widows had more choices and economic independence than anywhere else. In contrast, Women in New England society cannot use what her husband own after he died unless he agree to give her control of his

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