
Compare And Contrast Captain John Smith

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New World Conflicts In 1620, aboard on the Mayflower were the Pilgrims and William Bradford on their way to America. One other group were on a similar journey, but they were led by Captain John Smith on their way to Virginia. Both of these crews were in the search of new land and so they shared some similarities, as well as differences. Captain John Smith and his quest in Virginia was mainly for the profit that will be made from tobacco and its trade. "While the ships stayed, our allowance was somewhat bettered by a daily proportion of biscuit which the sailors would pilfer to sell, give, or exchange with us for money, sassafras, or furs.(Smith 70) Tobacco was the cash crop in Virginia, and when Captain John Smith got captured by the Indians on their way to the Chickahominy River, he got thrown in prison. As he was in prison, he showed no fear towards the Indians, and they were in awe of his ways and grew to admire him. This led to the Native Americans helping John Smith and his men grow tobacco, and teach them their ways of living. Unlike William Bradford and the Pilgrims, Captain John Smith's crew struggled with a lot of selfishness, and lacked communication. For example, John Smith's motto was "no work no food" which led to the isolation of every man working for himself. The labor was hard on the …show more content…

The natives grew to help them when they couldn't find any food or when the two groups didn't know what to hunt. They got accustomed to the Native Americans ways of living and had a lot more respect for the "savages" as they were called. "With whom, after friendly entertainment, and some gifts given him, they made a peace with him (which hath continued the 24 years)." (Bradford 82) After 24 years the truce still remains the same under certain circumstances, but has still benefited both so much in the long

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