Why chose tap water instead of bottle water? On these days, American people are choosing to consume more bottled water than they used to do years ago. Is it because of its taste or just as a personal choice? Besides the rapid growth of bottled water business in the United States, tap water is better than bottled water because of its cost, taste and as a way to improve the environment. Tap water is less expensive than bottled water. If you have ever bought a bottle of water, you might have realized that it is far more expensive. Meeting the U.S demand for plastic bottles requires enough oil to keep one million cars on the road for a year (Top 6 Myths: About Bottled Water). However, what people don’t realize is that it is not just the bottle, but also all the process behind it such as manufacturing, trucking and marketing. According to the amount of bottle water purchased in the United States in 2007 it took an energy equivalent of between 32 and 54 …show more content…
Every day a lot more people are buying bottled water for different kinds of reasons. Many of those people believe that bottled water tastes better. However, different types of tests had proven that tap water tastes better. For instance, during the year 2005 the ABC News show 20/20 completed a test in which New York City tap water came in tied for third out of six water samples. Also, many people who claimed that they didn’t like tap water had no trouble with it as long as they didn’t know what it was. In addition to this study, there have been other blind tests in the United States that support this claim. For example, in 2011 Boston University conducted a blind test among the students and just one third out of 67 students correctly recognized the tap water. (Livingston). Many other studies in cities as Washington Dc, San Francisco and Belfast, Ireland had revealed that tap water savor is as equal as or better than bottled
What do you prefer, tap water or bottled water. Many people believe bottled is the better choice, but I disagree. I think tap is better for you than bottled, for many reasons. Here are just three of them, bottled water means more garbage, bottled isn’t any healthier than tap, and tap is less expensive than bottled water is.
From helping the daily jogger stay hydrated during a run to that mom and family trying to stay hydrated at the amusement park, bottled water has had a lot of good to it. However do those goods outweigh the bad? In “Bottled Water: Friend or Foe?” by Christopher Castillo, Diana Goettsch, Angela Reid, and Catherine Sterling argue bottled water are our worst enemy, reasons being the bottle itself has harming chemicals within it which we are drinking, bottled water damages our environment, and lastly we are spending more on bottled water when we have the same water coming from our sinks.
Seventy percent of the human body is comprised of water. This makes drinking water quality vital. The EPA estimates the average adult consumes 1.2 liters daily or 115 gallons of community (tap) water daily while the average consumption of bottled water per capita in the U.S. is in excess of 30.8 gallons per year and is expected to continue to increase according to the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) and the Beverage Marketing Association’s 2013 report. Bottled water costs anywhere from 240 to 10,000 times more per gallon than the average cost of tap, but people’s perception that bottled water is purer, safer or healthier is driven, in part, by strong bottled water marketing campaigns that focus on news reports about crises that involve municipal water supplies. (NRDC, “Bottled Water Pure Drink or Pure Hype”) The sources for both tap and bottled waters as well as additives to either enrich or neutralize contents of water determine the mineral and chemical composition of drinking water. Is bottled water really any purer or healthier than local tap water?
The controversy of bottled water verse tap water can be argued on both sides. However, tap water is the better alternative in the long run. Some may say there is a distinct taste difference between the two, yet most can't tell. In a college classroom, a group of students completed an experiment where they tasted a variety of waters: Great Value, Zephyrhills, and tap water. Most students guessed incorrectly, not tasting a difference (Combass). Although people have concerns with tap water, it is the most convenient. Not only is tap water cheaper, it is the safest source that positively impacts our environment.
Tap water is better than bottled water and its more safer because, bacteria can get in the bottle and get people sick. Here are some reasons why, the first reason is that the battle can go in the oceans and make the water sick so the fish can die. The second reason is all the battles go in the salt lake rivers. Lastly tap water is better and more safer to the environment.
A lot of people around the world do not have a the choice between tap or bottled water.
Billions of gallons of bottled water are consumed in the United States every year. Many Americans choose bottled water for its convenience and say that the taste is much better than tap water. They say tap water is flat and tasteless. Some argue that the cost of bottled water far exceeds the cost of tap water. One study showed that one bottled water per day would cost the consumer $365 per year while the same amount of tap water would cost ten cents. While bottled water is more expensive, it provides over 130,000 jobs resulting in over six billion dollars in salaries for american workers “Bottled Water Matters.” In the article, “ Bad To The Last Drop,” Tom Standage says that bottled water is too expensive and encourages people to stop buying bottled water and give the money to charity. In the article “ In Defense of Bottled Water,” Thomas J. Lauria says that eliminating bottled water would have the unintended consequence of driving people to choose more unhealthy beverages which have thicker plastic bottles and would be worse on the environment. He also says that bottled water is an important choice in situations where there is a lack of tap water or concern about water
Tap water and bottled water have been at debate for a long time now. Many people think one is better the the other. Tap water is better than bottled water. This is because most bottled water even though they say they are helping the environment they are doing more harm to the ecosystem. Also, even if they are bad things in some tap water there are hundreds of tap filters to make it better. About 40 percent of bottled waters is just repackaged tap water. For these reasons we have to get rid of bottled water and drink more tap water.
Tap water can be used to help cook right in the comfort of home. Instead of going through many gallons of bottled water, just turn on the tap to fill up the pot to boil noodles or do whatever is needed to in the kitchen. It is also portable, just fill up reusable bottles with the tap and bam; good to go. When people hear the word tap they think of the sink at home, yes that is included, but tap water can be water fountains in public areas. Consumers use the tap more than they realize. Tap water also hydrates not only the person drinking from it, but it can also hydrate animals and crops. This proves tap water is very
Tap water and bottled water are used in peoples lives daily. Yet, barely anybody seems to care for the difference between the two. The quality, price, accessibility and many other aspects areover looked in the decision for tap or bottled water. Another topic that seems to be shoved under the rug is the safety of tap water in the United States. But from investigative information it proves that there is no problem with drinking tap water in the United States.
“Mom can you grab me a bottle of water for my game?” Did you ever think that grabbing a bottle of water may put you in danger? A latest report by NRDC, tested 1,000 bottles of water and 103 brands. They found out that ⅓ of them had chemicals or bacteria in them. Now that I have read a couple articles I now know that tap water is safer to drink than bottled water. The first reason is that the company’s making the bottles are wasting plastic. Also if we use water from our tap, it will be free instead of buying new bottles every time we run out. If you read my essay you will know why I think tap water is better.
In the essay Bad To the Last Drop the author Standage claims that people are wasting money on bottled water when there is no difference between it and tap water. Water is the one thing that all humans need; it is an essential element to keeping us alive because it helps our bodies stay hydrated and helps regulate temperature by creating sweat. The different ways that people receive water varies, but the two leading ways to acquire water in first world countries is from the tap or buying bottles of water from stores. These two methods of getting water are very popular in America and Canada because many people believe that tap water is sanitary and that it isn’t for drinking only for doing things like washing dishes, cleaning, and other tasks so they drink bottle water. While others think that bottle water is the worst option because it causes environmental issues and it isn’t safer than tap water so they drink tap water. I also agree with his claim because bottled water is not safer than tap water, it causes major environmental issues, and huge resource issues.
Tap water is a wise choice because tap water is cost effective.On average, people spent around three hundred and fifty to four hundred dollars on bottled
Water is an important source in this world and it is a source that all of us humans need. Without water we wouldn’t be living today. Water comes in many different ways but the most common and the most talked about topic is, Bottled Water or Tap Water? There are many debates on which type of water is safer, better in taste, and what is more convenient. The question is usually what tastes better. I read in the article “is tap water as safe as bottled water?” “Tap water and bottled water are generally comparable in terms of safety. So the choice of tap or bottled is mostly a matter of personal preference.” (Zeratsky) I completely agree with this statement. Everyone has his or her own opinions.
Have you ever had any concerns about bottled water? Do you think that bottled water consumption should be banned? Bottled water is water packed in plastic containers and sold for human consumption (Health Canada, 2013). Currently, the amount of bottled water consumed has increased considerably since many people feel it is safer drinking bottled water than tap water (Parent and Wrong, 2014). According to The Statistics Portal, the global sale of bottled water took a leap from 161, 589 to 181, 608 liters from 2009 to 2011. Only in the United States, each American citizen consumed around 32 gallons of bottled water in 2013, thus meaning an equivalent growth of 15, 94% over 2009 (The Statistics Portal, 2014). In fact, due to good portability, bottled water has been helpful in both simple and complex situations such as daily exercises and natural disasters. Even though having those few considerable advantages, bottled water still have been less beneficial; especially due to the negative impacts in the socio-economic, health and environmental fields.