Q No# 1 Summary of comparing and contrast between quantitative and qualitative research design.
Defining Qualitative are dynamic they change because situations are not static and they having multiple realities, none of which is more valid or true than another. The purpose of qualitative methodology is to explain and get insight and understanding or description. By cautious and extreme literature review and data collection, which create hypotheses assumptions and the hypotheses are tested such inductive inferences develop while in contrast quantitative research methodology prevent relatively change in situation and events and it is depend on single reality which researcher ensure generalization and understanding. The aim of quantitative methodology in research is to predict the situation or event by the statistical testing of variables, whether they have correlation or not this is focused on numerical data such hypotheses are tested and develop deductive conclusion of the situation and event.
With respect to inquiry approach a
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Researchers evaluate his or her research works through literature review, which provide direction to whole research design in relation to the problem statement such develop a good problem statement, good theoretical framework on the base of this conceptual framework is developed from which hypothesis can be tested and good framework for research design to further precede the research. Literature review is important because previously conducted research on the same problem area which already has been discovered will help in preventing waste material in your research. Literature review makes sure most important variables which affect your problem
Quantitative and qualitative research generates from two different perspectives, and it provide different types of crucial information from the research subject. Qualitative research corresponds more with comprehensive and thorough descriptions of events, whereas quantitative research creates statistical models to explain events. Several advantages and disadvantages in qualitative and quantitative research, depends upon the researcher's purpose and area of focus and information that will answer those research questions (Creswell, (2013).
Research, no matter what field, is often conducted and analysed in accordance with two basic approaches: quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative approach aims to test a hypothesis and examine the relationship through generating numerical data or other information that is than converted into numbers, whereas the qualitative approach is more exploratory, aiming to gain a deeper understanding of the research subject. Through breaking down and examining the key features in each of these approaches it is evident that although they both begin with a problem the researcher aims to understand they fundamentally differ. The table below shows side by side comparisons, highlighting the differences that can be used to differentiate these approaches, described broadly across three main categories.
Qualitative research collects non-numerical data to describe events or phenomena. On the other hand, quantitative research uses numeric data with statistical methods to investigate phenomena. (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2015, p. 609). Qualitative studies address human responses to particular situations or events with an emphasis on interviews and observations. The results are reported from the participant’s point of view. Qualitative studies can be conducted when a phenomenon is unknown to obtain a general idea. Also, they can be used when an event is well known, but certain areas lack details or depth (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2015). Contrarily, quantitative studies measure phenomena with the use of scales, tests, scores and statistics. Quantitative research designs are multiple. They can range from descriptive studies, which are used to predict relationships between variables, to randomized control trials (RCT). RCTs are used to describe cause and effect relationship between variables. Quantitative studies report results using a uniform format with preselected variables (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2015).
The quantitative research is built on a numerical measurement of specific characteristics relation to a phenomenon. Quantitative approaches employ deductive logic, moving from the general to the specific. The tools used to carry out quantitative research tend to be surveys and questionnaires (Coombes, 2001). It is a very structured approach and is most often focused on objectivity, generalisability and reliability (Collis & Hussey, 2003). The key advantage of the quantitative approach, therefore, is that it is based on fact and reliable data that enables researchers to generalize their findings to the population from which the sample has been drawn.
There has always been a discussion as to which method of study was better: quantitative, or qualitative. The quantitative approach focuses more on quantifying data and generalizing results from a sample to a population of interest. The use of quantitative methods is used for general features of a population and to measure the incidence of various views and opinions in a chosen sample. Qualitative methods are used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons and motivations. This type of method provides an insight into the setting of a problem. This can be used to generate ideas for later quantitative research. It is being argued that quantitative criminology is no longer required and this method is dead. To understand why people commit crimes, the best way to conclude this would be to switch to a more qualitative approach. Although this may be true in some cases, I do not completely agree with these two statements. I disagree with the statement about the quantitative approach being “dead,” however, I do agree with the statement about switching to a more qualitative approach to fully understand why people commit crimes. However, incorporating the quantitative approach and qualitative approach into one study will result in a thorough conclusion. This paper will explain the quantitative and qualitative approaches in research, discussing the positive and negative aspects of each approach, along with including how a combination of these approaches in a study will result in the
The development of literature review is critical for a research project. The key to research is to refine it and go in depth. A researcher can refine his research by using online data bases in libraries to reduce search results and find the most scholarly articles about the research topic. Understanding different theories is critical because you want to make sure that a theory is tested and accurate. After a researcher has narrowed down his results through effective research techniques, he will be able to assess his hypotheses quicker and accurately through either qualitative or quantitative research
Qualitative research method involves analysis on ‘quality’ of study object. Specifically, it adopts such approaches as induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, as well as abstraction and generalization to process all kinds of materials obtained in order to eliminate all but the essential, discard the false and retain the true and proceed from the exterior to the Interior, thus reveal the essence along with inherent law. Qualitative analysis is majorly about the problem
Moreover, the quantitative method is used by researches who want to discover statistics and facts by analyzing data in a numerical way. Unlike this article, the qualitative method is used by researches who want to gather data through observations and interviews based on what the participants say or do. The qualitative method seeks to explore and collect opinions and motivations on the research topic instead of collecting numerical data.
Often, the aim of the research is to achieve specific goals. Some studies are usually experimental in nature and are often unique. However, in most cases, the research can be based on previous studies conducted. This is known as a literature review. A literature review is the identification and analysis of documents which contain information that is related to a defined research problem. It is often the written component of a report or a research paper, and it discusses the reviewed documents (Stockburger, 2006). Often researchers may favor qualitative approaches to a research issue while others may favor quantitative approaches. The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of literature review and its importance in research. The paper also defines the type of study where literature review has more significance and explains why that is so.
I would like to see whether growth can be predicted for a certain company with introduction of a certain product.
It is common for researchers to compare qualitative and quantitative research methods. Quantitative methods originate from positivist and post- positivist research paradigms. Also, the methods objectively examine statistical data to determine cause and affect and often use generalizable data. There are various methods used in quantitative research such as surveys,
One of the stages in writing a research paper is the literature review. Since there is very little that has not been studied in some form, good researchers find out all they can about their subjects before they commence their own study. Not only is it imperative to acquire what is already know about the subject, but a literature review enables the researcher to identify what is not known or well understood (Lanier & Briggs, 2014). By conducting a literature review, one verifies what else needs to be done. A literature review is an important aspect of any research paper. Additionally, reviews indicate what already exists, what has been learned and what has not been learned. By conducting a review, researchers are able to consider what can be modified on past studies that will develop the research question better. A review can provide ideas for changing some of the conditions or variables of previous studies, which may result in different outcomes. Not only do researchers become more educated about a subject, but can essentially aid in designing their own studies. Good researchers understand there are three primary categories to utilize when conducting a literature review. The first category to review is general sources, which offer hints on the locations of references, a general overview, and introduction to a topic (Salkind, 2012). The second category is secondary sources which are “once removed” from actual research (Salkind, 2012). Secondary sources can include
The proposed research is based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative research involves iterative, logical and exploratory process that gathers the views of participants with the objective of analysing the facts that relate to the study. On the other hand quantitative methods comprise of deductive ways of studying the data collected (Bryman, 2004 cited in Heath and Tyna, 2010; pg 10).
Examining research problem using qualitative methodology are basically non-numerical and show great diversity. It involves any form of human communication which could either be written, audio or visual. The qualitative methodology used in solving problems, or explaining what actually happened. However, using qualitative methods to examine the research problem involves two activities: developing an awareness of the types of data can be described and explained; and also the practical activities that assist with the kinds of data and the large amounts of it that needs to be examined (Gibbs, 2007).
Quantitative research is an approach that uses theory, variables, measurements and statistical analyses to test theories (Creswell, 2013). Qualitative research is an approach that does not rely on proving a theory, a set of variables, or running an experiment. Rather, a qualitative research approach allows for exploring and understanding meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. A qualitative approach allows for meaning and explanations to develop through, interviews, review of artifacts, and observations (Neuman, 2002).