
Compare And Contrast Athens Vs Sparta

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As you may know Ancient Greece is full of many city-states and you also may know that each city-state had its own government, Economy, Education, and most likely, slaves. As you may also know, usually, not always, city-states fight. Two of the most important city-states, Athens and Sparta and they not only had different forms of government, but they had very different ways of life. Plus, if anyone had a choice to either live in the city-states Athens or Sparta, Sparta should definitely be the city-state they choose or at least what I think. Sparta is way better than Athens because their army was bold and protective and girls received some education, plus women had more freedom in Sparta than most other city-states. First of all, Sparta’s …show more content…

Spartan girls actually received some military training! It states in chapter 27 section 9, “Even girls received some military training. They learned wrestling, boxing, footracing, and gymnastics.” Not only did this help Sparta’s army, but Spartan girls could also defend themselves if anyone is trying to harm them and even though they did not learn to read and write, at least they got to learn something rather than staying at home and helping out the house. It states in chapter 27 section 5, “Unlike boys, most girls did not learn to read or write. Girls grew up helping their mother around the house. They were taught to cook, clean, spin thread, and weave cloth.” This text proves that girls were not taught fairly amongst boys. It also says in chapter 27 section 5, “ Those from wealthy families marries men chosen by their fathers. Girls from poor families often had more choice.” This also states that it wasn’t fair for wealthy girls for their dad to choose their husbands because they should have their own rights because what if the girls don’t like their husbands personality, then they would have to get forced to marry their “chosen” husband and unlike Spartan women, they could actually choose who they wanted to be with to be their

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