
Compare And Contrast Antigone And King's Views On Civil Disobedience

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Both Antigone and Martin Luther King Jr. engaged in civil disobedience as a means of eliciting a revolutionary societal change; however, Antigone never seemed to get past her own pride to see if she could have negotiated with Kreon. Antigone never had an intent for change in the long term, in contrast, Martin Luther King Jr. used his moral argument to challenge the law in order to leave a long term change for future generations. Martin Luther King Jr.’s actions possess more merit than Antigone’s actions because he attempted to negotiate. On the other hand, Antigone went ahead and broke the law which ultimately led to her demise. Martin Luther King Jr. broke the law to leave a legacy behind him for not just himself, but for the masses, whereas Antigone died and that caused additional suffering without a purposeful societal change.
Through nonviolent means, Martin Luther King Jr. proved to be a more effective leader because his method of approaching a problem was tackled through a set of four basic steps. Through these four steps, Martin Luther King Jr. not only engaged in civil disobedience but set the tone for the Civil Rights movement. This is a key difference between how Antigone and King’s views on civil disobedience because Antigone is defiant in her actions, while King uses more reasoning and logic to follow through with his actions. Although the tragedy’s heroine, Antigone, tried to bury her brother honorably, she never sought out any form of negotiation with Kreon.

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