
Compare And Contrast Adjoa And The Girl Who Can

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(A comparison of Adjoa from The Girl Who Can and the girl from Checkouts) One girl has boy problems, the other family troubles, a growing young woman can’t win. Adjoa and the girl from Checkouts both face issues in completely different social environments. The grandmother in The Girl Who Can is continually downgrading Adjoa for having long, supposedly unnatural legs. The girl in Checkouts finds herself completely infatuated with a boy she has never met, yet somehow it makes her rough move a little less so. Each is growing and learning as situations arise, adapting as much as possible. Checkouts and The Girl Who Can show ways that young girls must learn from experiences and adapt to different environments as they grow and mature. In Checkouts, the main character becomes infatuated with a boy she sees at the supermarket. This girl, to whom no name is given, has just moved to a new town. Moving is never easy, especially when you know no one around, and this case is no exception. She is mad at her parents for making the entire family come to an unfamiliar town, and mopes for quite a while. At one point, her parents ask her to go grocery shopping for them. She grudgingly …show more content…

When the girl finds these feelings, she doesn’t know what to do, only that she suddenly isn’t so upset about moving any more. When Adjoa learns, and understands, why her Nana is upset, she is determined to prove that she does have value… just maybe not in the way expected. The struggles faced by young people are various, but widespread. Each culture has its’ own most common difficulties, but none are much more problematic to deal with than others. From nagging Nana’s to love at first sight, but accompanied by shyness, every adolescent knows how difficult it is to grow and learn. On the bright side, once a lesson is lived and learned, it is not easily

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