Community Service
People complain everyday about the problems in this world. One of my complaints is about people who complain! I have a high respect for those who take actions to try to solve these problems. One major group which has to solve problems this is internationally recognized is Rotary International.
Another group with similar goals is The Ruritan Foundation. Both of these groups have a website used by people all over the world to communicate information about their organization and how people can get involved. Ruritan focuses on the loval community and serving on a much smaller scale than Rotary. For Rotary, an overall emphasis is made on international service needs and diversity among people, as well as
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Knowing this, it essentially chose one major issue that all the clubs can work on together and has a plan to follow through until its goal is met by putting most of its energy into it. This one extensive goal is to "globally eradicate the disease, polio"
(About Rotary), appropriately titled PolioPlus.
Each Rotary Club handles programs individually, but PolioPlus is a joint effort. With inquiry about the PolioPlus program on the webstie, I learned that though Rotary initiated this goal, other health organizations have actively supported it in collaboration, such as The United Nations Children's Fund and the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
They began this effort in the 1980s raising over US$240 million. By 2005, Rotary hopes to have made this world polio-free (PolioPlus). A page on the website was created to recognize the reliable persons who have encouraged this program such as Bill Clinton, former US president, Bill Gates, from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Quotables), and the list goes on. More goals regarding PolioPlus can be found under the subheading "About PolioPlus."
This internationally recognized organization began with only four people in Chicago, Illinois, (Rotary in Depth). In the article, Rotary in Depth, it is explained that they began rotating between members' offices, holding meetings. The
Polymyelitis, otherwise known as polio, was one of the most feared diseases of the early to mid twentieth century. This disease either killed or it paralyzed its’ victims. This affected America in such a terrible way by killing or paralyzing thousands of them within the beginning of the twentieth century alone, scaring most other Americans and putting up a red flag for most health organizations. President Roosevelt, however, conceived the idea of initiating the charity that would later
Poliomyelitis was a highly infectious disease that spread through many Americans in the early 20th century. As a matter of fact, over 3,000 Americans died of the disease each year. Families were overwhelmingly desperate for doctors to find a cure. When one suffered from polio, they generally experienced painful symptoms which included not only fatigue and muscle weakness, but even death. Therefore, when the polio vaccine was introduced by scientist Jonas Salk in 1953, it greatly contributed to Americans in numerous positive ways. Environmentally, the vaccine saved countless young American lives affected by the disease thus decreasing American mortality rates. Socially, the polio vaccine convenienced families who were either directly afflicted
David Oshinsky's 2005 Polio: An American Story, is a history of the fight to eradicate polio in the 20th century. Polio became one of the most, if not THE most, feared diseases of the century due to the influence and example of President Franklin Roosevelt, who was stricken with the disease as an adult in 1921. Owner of a Warm Springs, GA resort dedicated to polio rehabilitation(where he died in 1945), Roosevelt needed to raise funds to keep the resort operational. In 1934, he allowed planners to throw a nationwide series of birthday parties (over 6,000) for him to raise money for the care of polio survivors and for the upkeep of Warm Springs. The success of these parties and recognition that the key to raising money during the Great Depression
What does community service means to me? Well, to me community service mean helping your community become a better place. When you do things for your neighborhood, it makes you feel like a better person. There are all sorts of activities you can do in your community. You can work with children at school, work with the elderly, or help people that are less fortunate and make their day very special. Community Service is very important because it gives you a chance to bond with the people in your neighborhood. It will also give you a chance to give back to your community , you’ll learn a lot from your experience, and you’ll make a difference in someone’s life. I recommend a lot of people to go out and make a difference.
The report also quoted the recent campaign against the immunisation of children in the country by some churches as one of the challenges facing the global fight against polio.
In April 2015, the letter indicates, the then Director of Medical Services, Dr Nicholas Muraguri, submitted 56 samples of the polio vaccine to be used in the national campaign scheduled for April and May but which was pushed forward to August of the same year after the church raised concerns about the safety of the
It is apparent that the individual is out of touch with his/her environment, as we live in a time of isolation. This view of a frightful outside world is a common mindset in people, prompting them to stay home with the excuse that some things are not worth experiencing. Beyond this misconception, is a world that although may need some work, has opportunities for every kind of person. In fact, a "frightful outside world" can change with the contribution of a helping hand; this is what makes community service imperative. There is no better way to encourage students in assisting their communities than implementing service requirements in High School, and various sources explain the benefits behind these standards. A few of these excerpts include "Community Service
Salk began to study polio when he became head of the Virus Research Laboratory in 1947 at the University of Pittsburgh. In the late 1940s, the March of Dimes, a grassroots organization founded with President Roosevelt’s help to find a way to defend against polio and enlisted Dr. Jonas Salk. Salk found that polio had as many as 125 strains of three basic types, and that an effective vaccine needed to combat all three. By growing samples of the polio virus and then deactivating, or “killing” them by adding a chemical called formalin, Salk developed his vaccine, which was able to immunize without infecting the patient. Salk's vaccine was made by growing live polio virus on cultures of kidney tissue from Asian rhesus monkeys. The virus was then
Once America’s most feared diseases and causing death and paralysis across the country, thanks to vaccination, there are no reports of polio in the United States.
As a student, I have demonstrated many works of service to my community and school. Service opportunities have shaped me into the person I am today and these projects have made me realize how fortunate I am for all that I have. While I've been doing these service projects through the years, it has been a pleasure seeing the joy on the faces of people that aren't as fortunate as I am. Service projects that I have completed include managing the fish booth at the St. Leo's Parish Festival, being an altar server at St. Leo's Parish, helping cook dinner for the Ridgway Fire Department during carnival day setup, participating in the St. Marys Light Up Night by dancing, and Christmas caroling to local residents. I also participated in a zombie/princess
Whens the last time someone developed Polio? Not in a long time, this is because we have developed vaccines to protect us. “Vaccines work by introducing diluted versions of viruses or bacteria into a person's body via injection” (Mandatory Vaccination). Since the discovery of vaccinations the medical world has changed forever. In today’s world many families have strong beliefs against vaccinations due to various myths and misconceptions. Since the discovery scientist have created vaccines for many illnesses around the world. When traveling abroad or anywhere to be precautious ask a doctor about vaccine protocols. This also would help prevent the spread of outbreaks. Everyone should be vaccinated because with everyone's immunity built up outbreaks
At first when I found out I was going to have to do this essay I was not too excited. I had no idea what I could possibly write about because I did not know that things I did on the average day could be considered community service.
Polio is an infectious disease that has killed and paralyzed many people (Birth of Jonas Salk and the death of polio in India). It has taken the lives of
Polio, full name poliomyelitis, has been a dangerous disease ever since its first appearance in the late 18th century. It has taken many people’s lives throughout the course of history. The virus’s shape is a circular-shaped agent which has spikes sticking out of various areas of this virus. Some interesting facts about this dangerous virus is that in the early and mid 1900s, there were at least 5,000-10,000 deaths per year, and vaccines didn’t come out until the 1950s. Also, today almost every country on Earth has eradicated this disease except for Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria, which shows how the vaccines were and are very essential to get rid of the disease for everyone. In addition, this disease was famous for infecting Franklin Delano Roosevelt.