
Community Service Essay

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Community Service

People complain everyday about the problems in this world. One of my complaints is about people who complain! I have a high respect for those who take actions to try to solve these problems. One major group which has to solve problems this is internationally recognized is Rotary International.

Another group with similar goals is The Ruritan Foundation. Both of these groups have a website used by people all over the world to communicate information about their organization and how people can get involved. Ruritan focuses on the loval community and serving on a much smaller scale than Rotary. For Rotary, an overall emphasis is made on international service needs and diversity among people, as well as …show more content…

Knowing this, it essentially chose one major issue that all the clubs can work on together and has a plan to follow through until its goal is met by putting most of its energy into it. This one extensive goal is to "globally eradicate the disease, polio"
(About Rotary), appropriately titled PolioPlus.

Each Rotary Club handles programs individually, but PolioPlus is a joint effort. With inquiry about the PolioPlus program on the webstie, I learned that though Rotary initiated this goal, other health organizations have actively supported it in collaboration, such as The United Nations Children's Fund and the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

They began this effort in the 1980s raising over US$240 million. By 2005, Rotary hopes to have made this world polio-free (PolioPlus). A page on the website was created to recognize the reliable persons who have encouraged this program such as Bill Clinton, former US president, Bill Gates, from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Quotables), and the list goes on. More goals regarding PolioPlus can be found under the subheading "About PolioPlus."

This internationally recognized organization began with only four people in Chicago, Illinois, (Rotary in Depth). In the article, Rotary in Depth, it is explained that they began rotating between members' offices, holding meetings. The

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