
Community-Oriented Policing

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What is the appropriate role of police in crime prevention? In general, As Schneider (2010 & 2015) insists, even though community crime prevention is being placed the utmost importance on by many modern crime prevention theories and law enforcement besides police, the most vital role of police is unshakeable in preventing and controlling crime.
Schneider argues in his book that Community-Oriented Policing (COP) and Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) are reconcilable and unarguably “the most widely touted policing model(s) to emerge in recent times (Schneider, 2010, 249).” He believes both COP and POP can internalize the central tenets of crime prevention by encouraging police act proactively instead of reactively, by encouraging the role of private …show more content…

They believe the impact of COP on crime and disorder is still subject to debate, however, COP should be useful in increasing police legitimacy. After consulting a number of trusted sources and previous reviews of the policing literature, they develop their assessment of what police should and should not do. They argued that police should continue doing hot spot policing since the “evidence base for hot spots policing is particularly strong (Telep and Weisburd, 2012, 333)”. As Sherman and Weisburd (1995) indicated, increased police presence can lead to the crime and disorder detection to some extent, and the ideal time spent in the hot spot is 14 to 15 minutes. Moreover, the “place” here should be ideally at block …show more content…

Since this model is problem-oriented, there is no one-size fits all tactics, rather, careful analyses of problems to design efficient and unique solutions are essential to POP. Focused Deterrence Strategies are something that worth doing as well. These kind of strategy always narrow the focus of the intervention to specific offenders and geographic areas, and ask for police’s direct interactions with offenders and community incentives. The fourth strategy should work is directed patrol to prevent gun violence since this will lead to reductions in gun carrying and gun-related violence. The authors also suggested that DNA evidence should also be used in property crime cases, so that suspects can be identified easier and this is a more cost-effective approach compared with traditional

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