
Community Gardens Essay

Decent Essays

Cities all around the United States are creating community gardens to help make improvements to problems in their area such as: high crime, hunger, and urban blight. A community garden is a piece of property, private or public land, gardened by a group of people. The property will produce fruits, vegetables, etc. These gardens can be found in neighborhoods, schools, hospitals, assisted living and apartment building complexes. Community gardens are also being placed in unused vacant lots to help reduce the amount of garbage and wasted space in cities. People do not know how big of an impact they are making on their communities. Many studies have proved that placing these community gardens in neighborhoods can decrease the amount of crime. …show more content…

In many cities, there are countless amounts of people who go without food at least once a month. Many of these people are even children, elderly people, or disabled. Limited household incomes limit access to fresh produce, which is a key diet component. Having limited food can eventually lead to malnutrition. Creating community gardens can help make an impact by producing more food. These gardens will give access to people who could have never had healthy food. Store prices make it extremely difficult to eat healthy when the prices are so high. These gardens will promote healthy and wise choices. This too will encourage relationships within their communities. Without friendships with their neighbors, it will lead to seclusion and loss of appetite or bad food choices. When children see their elders participating in these gardens, it will give them an interest in it. Once they start participating in growing their own food, they will be more likely to eat the food they grow and begin to develop healthy food habits. This will create a chain reaction in these apartment buildings and living communities. After an abundance of food is produced, people can distribute it to surrounding areas that may be struggling with hunger. With one apartment building or school creating a garden, people all over one city could help make a difference by ending

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