
Community And Social Care: The Definition Of Community

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What is community?
According to (Murray Hawtin, 1999) is very difficult to be precise about its definition due to the commonality of its usage on our day to day language so its meaning is now associated to a lot of things, including emotions. “Typically, the word community is used to refer to the idea that there is common to a group or section of the population. Communities must be based on geographical areas or localities…”. It can be as small as a street, a school, a parish or as big as a nation or a group of nations. But other things can define a community like age, gender, ethnicity or nationality. Even a common connection (the dementia carers community), a common workplace (the factory workers community), or belonging to a religious or political organization (the tory community) can make someone feel they belong to a community. …show more content…

It often has powerful symbolism and rhetoric attached often functioning as an *ideal-type, and conveying notions of engagement, cohesion, solidarity, and continuity, its existence seen as reflecting well on the society in which it is located. Less often articulated are the ways in which close communities can result in pressure to adopt conventional and conservative values.” (White,

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