
Communism-Animal Style In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Communism - Animal Style Charlie Chaplin wrote a speech in the 1940s that said “The hate of men will pass and dictators die and the power they took from the people will return to the people and so long as men die liberty will never perish.” (Charlie Chaplin). During that time, Joseph Stalin was governing the Soviet Union as a dictator from the mid-1920s until Stalin perished in 1953 from a stroke. While he was governing he turned the Soviet Union from a peasant society into an industrial and military society. His goal as a dictator was to turn everyone toward communism and everyone thought it was fair and a good idea. As a ruler he did not like it when people spoke against him and if they did not agree with him he would send his secret police after them to kill them. “From 1934 to 1940 Stalin had vast numbers of government, party and army officials murdered to satisfy his paranoid delusions that everyone was out to get him” (Joseph Stalin). Since he did this, his army ended up getting weaker instead of stronger. George Orwell wrote the allegorical novel Animal Farm in 1944, which was during the same time of world war two. Orwell uses an analogy relating Animal Farm to the Soviet Union by having the animals symbolize the events and people during the time when Stalin was a dictator.
The story of Animal Farm starts off on the Manor Farm with the animals complaining about how the farmer, Mr. Jones, does not take care of the animals enough. One of the pigs that has been a

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