
Communication In Julie And Julia, By Nora Ephron

Decent Essays

As the saying goes: ignorance is bliss. Refraining from allowing yourself to fully accept that facts of a situation. Furthermore, to reinforce preconceived notions we may block off all lines of communication that disrupt our expectations. Even so these efforts may all be in vain, sometimes the outside world infiltrates our private world. Most abruptly through the adoption of phones. They serve as lines of constant communication to the outside world, and therefore sources of information as Nora Ephron exposes in her film. In one scene from “Julie and Julia,” Julia is sitting in a chair and the room is being filled with sunlight streaming in through the window. She is on the phone. Just as the the light from the window illuminates the room, the phone …show more content…

We can stay inside the comfort of our homes, but speak to people all the way across the world. Phones shrunk the world and made it easier for people to connect. Nevertheless, phone allow us restrain from human interaction. Just as Annie in Nora Ephron’s “Sleepless in Seattle” vents into the phone to her best friend Becky, who is all the way home in Baltimore while she sits, frustrated by her failed attempt to connect with Sam, in her Seattle hotel room. She sits in the comfort of the bed with a half eaten room service tray, presumably her dinner beside her. Through the window we see the lights of the city glowing throw the sheer white window cover, the outside is peaking in but her back is turned to eat. She remains alone, and in the comfort of the room and her friend. She is further disconnecting herself from the world, even after she makes a cross country trip to connect with a man she has never met, in order to find the “magic” kind-of-love her mother speaks of. The phone’s provide a fall back plan and do not force us to confront the world and possibly find true comfort in the anonymity of the city, rather than the comfort of

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