
Communication Differences Between Men and Women in the Workplace

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Communication Differences between Men and Women in the Work Place Introduction Men and women will never be the same when it comes to both emotional and physical aspects. So, why is it that people are surprised when men and women have trouble communicating? God gave Eve to Adam for companionship. Their differences are what make them a complete pair. Most everyone in today's society is familiar with the book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. The author, John Gray, has written many books about the differences men and women face during everyday life. The book, Mars and Venus in the Workplace, is the ninth book in his Mars/Venus theme that he began writing in 1993. In this book, Grey informs his audience that men and women …show more content…

Use analogies. Men are good at using analogies. They compare information in their speeches to sports. Women should also use analogies so that their audience will remember more points from their speech. Root out "feeling words". Women tend to say, "I think" or "I believe" when beginning a sentence. Instead, you should state, "This product will do well for you". It implies confidence. Say "No". Women have a tendency to not say no for fear of hurting someone's feelings. Women take on more than they can handle and it creates an inability to finish their work effectively and efficiently. Don't turn sentences into questions. By turning a sentence into a question, it portrays to the audience that you are not sure of yourself. It also leaves listeners room to say "no" or that "it's not okay". Carey believes that women are hitting a glass ceiling due to weak communication skills. She believes that women must educate themselves on being more effective in business communication to be more powerful and successful. Differences in Pay The U.S. Census Bureau recently reported that women's paychecks are 26% smaller than male coworkers doing the same work. The gap widens to 32% for female executives compared to male executives. It is suggested that women tend to be less aggressive when negotiating base pay during the interview process. Women are more likely to accept the offered salary than men are. Men tend to negotiate with the employer for a

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