
Communication Barriers In Communication

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The best way to get full understanding of an individual is to listen to them. Having the ability to listen effectively can significantly impact all relationships be it professional, personal or social.
Listening is both necessary and an important aspect of the communication process, because it is one of the most important skills a person can obtain. Listening is one of the most powerful aspects and tools of communication. Listening is a process that is used to receive, convey a meaning, and respond to both verbal and nonverbal messages. There are many barriers individuals face when listening to others speaks. Some barriers are Daydreaming, Prejudging the speaker or the information, and interrupting, Becoming distracted, listening only for facts, Becoming distracted, to avoid these barriers knowing and applying these will improve your listening skills. “Receiving, understanding, remembering, evaluating and responding.”

The reason I think compliments are so important today, is that there is such an availability of negativism and hyper-critical attitudes that permeate our daily lives. Compliments can also serve to melt the ice between you and an antagonist. Compliments encourage others who are struggling. Studies have shown that when it comes to helping someone reach their goal, positive feedback is most effective for novices. Experts are primarily concerned about evaluating their rate of progress, and negative feedback helps motivate them to want to go further and faster.

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