
Commplacency Personal Statement

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As a freshman at the University of Georgia, I was only four hours from home, and constantly being challenged by homesickness, better education and a lack of understanding of who I was and who I wanted to be. This change of pace blindsided me and moved me to enter an area of complacency. I could not stay in this place for long due to the sudden passing of my sister. She was an intelligent, humble thirty-three-year-old diabetic single mother with three children and an incredible story to share. While at my lowest point, she called to tell me how proud she was of me and how excited she was to see me graduate from such an incredible institution. For her, given her financial and personal circumstances, committing to attend my graduation was a huge feat. When I received the call that my sister was …show more content…

I believe that education is the building block for all success and that one can only be successful in education if he or she is passionate about something. At the time, I was pursuing a degree out of complacency rather than passion. While attending a seminar on education and poverty, that passion engulfed me and drove me to pursue school counseling. This seminar brought to light that students often times do not finish school, because they do not have the resources to finish. These self- and material doubts affect students at every level of education. As a single-minded freshman, this was life changing. I had never considered resources to be a factor in educational failure. Pity for these other students had not crossed my mind, but rather, urgency kicked me into gear. My passion for school counseling is fueled by my own difficulties adjusting to college and the fear that my nephews and niece could fall into the unfortunate normalcy of giving up. Students must work so hard to overcome the daily challenges of life and should not give up due to their own belief that they cannot do

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