
Common Sense By Thomas Paine: Era Of American Revolution

Satisfactory Essays

Joshua Dennis
Prof. Richard Boles
HIST 3623 - Era of American Revolution

Common Sense: A Historical Analysis

Common Sense by Thomas Paine is one of the most influential pieces of writing from the American Revolution. Thomas Paine started off Common Sense by arguing for American independence. He started by arguing about more general governmental and religious ideas, then he goes on to talk about the case of the American Colonies. His views and ideas set forth here helped to unite the American people for revolution and helped them to form a new kind of government after the war was over. When he used the island example to show the issues that people have with abiding by laws that they did not make, it showed the American people that they could and should make laws for themselves to abide by. After this he went on use the biblical example to show that monarchy and royal families was not the type of government that was originally intended by God, and …show more content…

To start, he talks about how large the colonies are and their current status. He presents a list of the British troops and tells how America could build comparable army. He says this to help guarantee America's security and prosperity as a country. He also explains that America is small enough now to be united now, because if much more time were to pass, and the population increase, the American people would not feel the need to unite anymore. This showed the American people that there was a chance to beat Britain in a war if need be, but only if they united now and did not wait any longer. These points are part of what makes Common Sense have such a historical impact on the American Revolution. In Common Sense, Thomas Paine had created a document which embodied everything that Americans were feeling at the time. Even though he published it anonymously at the time, it became a rallying cry for Americans

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