
Common Formative Assessments

Decent Essays

Formative Assessments
The next grouping I used specifically deals with formative assessment, which is my focus question topic in my action research. In this grouping, there are four sources, two books and two journals. Due to the specific topic in mind, there was a fair amount of overlapping, but each source contained useful specific ideas that can be incorporated into my action research. I have organized these sources by date publication and the oldest of these four was a 2003 article from the formative assessment gurus, Paul Black and Dylan William who wrote a journal article titled, “In Praise of Educational Research: Formative Assessment”. This article give a very detailed account of the history of formative assessment research dating pact to the sixties and seventies with Michael Scriven and Benjamin Bloom. Later there is mention of the rise and fall of formative assessments followed by the resurgence during …show more content…

This teacher friendly book focuses on what types of information common formative assessments can provide and how these assessments can provide timely data to help differentiate instruction (Ainsworth and Viegut, 5). What made this resource different was its “team” approach to assessment, which ties in nicely to my districts policies on assessment. The authors stress the importance of using data teams made up of professional learning communities, usually departments to create specifically designed assessments that address the same content by standard. The book also provided a very helpful revised instruction assessment model with data analysis which showed the steps of pre-assessment, analysis of results, differentiating instruction, teaching, monitoring, reflecting and adjusting, re-teaching and finally post assessment (Ainsworth & Viegut,

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