
Commitment To Ww1

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Despite the fact that the Germans had superior weaponry and munitions, the American forces persevered during the massacre at the Meuse Argonne offensive of world war 1. America’s commitment to the war effort and willingness to put lives on the line to win ,made America a renowned , victorious superpower. A bulge sat in the middle of the American and French lines. John J. Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Forces of 1917 refused to listen to his advisors. Pershing assembled 400,000 French and American soldiers. The two allies French and American were very different fighting forces.The “doughboys” a nickname for the American soldiers for the buttons on their uniforms, were notorious for their hand to hand combat abilities displayed …show more content…

A quote from Erwin Rommel “ in a man to man fight the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine.” This means that the force with the better technology will ultimately win. This philosophy was not in favor of the allies opposed to the Germans. Despite these obstacles the Americans were very overconfident after they slaughtered the Germans at San Mihiel with 250,000 Americans against a ragtag group of second rate troops German troops. The axis powers abandoned the town leaving behind equipment that was imperative such as artillery pieces and machineguns. The Americans captured 16,000 troops in San Mehiel. The AEF was very confident in their assault thinking that that Germans would be a pushover. Specifically there were 3 defenses in the Argonne Valley the Americans had to breach , Giselher, Kriemhilde and Freya. Being as overconfident as Pershing was of his troops and not noticing that breaching these lines would be a miracle. The Argonne was not the most comfortable terrain it was very rugged and had many hills. The U.S. air force also played a role in the offensive. The 94th aero squadron was being lead by the flying ace and race car driver, Eddie Rickenbacker. Eddie was rewarded for shooting down multiple Fokker airplanes and reconnaissance

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