
Commemorative Speech By Maya Angelou

Decent Essays

Commemorative Speech
Maya Angelo


“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” These are the words of Marguerite Ann Johnson, better known as Maya Angelou, who is known as one of the most influential voices of our time. Maya Angelou was no ordinary woman, she is the voice of reason for so many today. She inspires many individuals through her poems, memoirs, movies, plays and autobiographies. What is so inspiring to me, is that, although she encountered major hardships throughout her childhood, she did not allow those moments to dictate her future.
I. At age 7, she endured life changing pain, she was raped by her mother’s boyfriend. A. What …show more content…

When she decided to speak, she showed that she had overcome her difficult and traumatic childhood by becoming a prize-winning poet and author of several best-selling autobiographies. B. She lived a very productive life, her numerous accomplishments attest to this fact. 1. At age 16, she became the first black female cable car conductor in California.
2. One of her most rewarding awards has been the National Book award for life time achievement, along with more than 30 honorary degrees, the presidential medal of freedom, and the U.S.’s highest civilian honor. C. I love the way Maya Angelo radiated confidence.
1. She experienced harsh racial discrimination throughout her lifetime, and yet during her trials she never loses self-respect or confidence.

2. She radiated so much confidence that everyone who met her got a feel of it.
II. Maya Angelou’s life has inspired me because she has illustrated how numerous setbacks and obstacles did not prevent her from pursuing her passions and becoming an effective leader and role model. A. Angelou’s passion for achievement influenced me to want to do better for myself.
1. After a few years of not pursuing my education, Maya Angelou inspired me to make a

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