
Come Walk With Me Annotation

Decent Essays

In Come walk with me, Emily Bronte had one special person to make her happy. She describes what that person did to make her feel special, such as “wondering through the snow” (line 3). Emily Bronte does not want to have the memories, for she feels lonely now and those recollections she had with the special person only makes her feel worse. She wish she could reverse time and have spent good more old days for she is going through so much pain. Emily Bronte uses personification when she says “the clouds rush dark and wild” (First Stanza) this is used to represent her feelings and how everyday her memories are there but not the person she desires. The theme here is darkness, which is what accompanies Emily Bronte at this moment. The theme presented in the second stanza is death, Emily Bronte commences her stanza by saying that she once had so many people to accompany her during the state of loneliness “but death had stolen our company” (Second Stanza). She uses a simile to compare Death to Sunshine, both have stolen something from life. At this point her only partner is the one she is talking about. Since they “are the only two left” (Second Stanza), this causes them to have a stronger bond that their feelings combine to form the same. …show more content…

Unfortunately, time did not give her a chance to discover love. The time has arrived, Death has taken her last love, and buried him under the soil. She is mourning for his death “though the soil will be wet with tears” (Stanza 3). The last line “time parts the hearts of men” (Stanza 3) can emphasize that it is time that separates one from true love. Here we see that Emily’s true love has passed away, when she was just about to give him true

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