
Com176 outline and thesis statement

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University of Phoenix Material

Outline and Thesis Statement Guide

Create an outline that includes details that support your thesis. Identify at least three main points and at least two supporting details per main point.

Write all supporting details and subdetails in complete sentences.

Include both in-text citations in the outline and a references page following the outline. Many of your supporting details and subdetails will need in-text citations.

Outline only the body of your paper (not your introduction or conclusion).

Avoid bias and present a balanced case for your thesis—this will strengthen your writing.

Your thesis statement: Societies dependence and advancement in technology are increasingly rising; …show more content…

Here in the United States the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Federal White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) partnered and established the IC3, which is the Internet Crime Complaint Center. This is a central place where Internet crimes can be reported and then those crimes will be investigated and transferred to the appropriate law enforcement agencies as well as appropriate regulatory agencies.
1. The Internet crimes can often overlap between fraud and other crimes. Because of these overlapping crimes it is important the there is communication and cooperation between our own agencies and international agencies.
2. Discuss the level of cooperation between our law enforcement agencies and international agencies and the problems they face.
B. The overwhelming amount of Internet fraud and crimes on individuals, small business, financial institutions can be overwhelming for law enforcement because of the lack of fully trained, qualified investigators. Basically we have more crime that we have laws and law enforcement officials can handle.
1. We must have sufficient laws against these particular crimes. Our judicial system faces challenges in developing the laws against the crimes. The other problem that law enforcement faces is the collection of evidence and the fine line between public and private information available online. In some cases there have been problems with collecting evidence and their relation to the first and

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