
Columbia Space Shuttle Essay

Decent Essays

The Columbia Space Shuttle was launched on 16th January 2003 outside the earth’s atmosphere to conduct research for 16 days. It was supposed to land in Florida by the end of the completion of the research but the shuttle never made to the destination (Post, June 2014). With 7 astronauts on board, the Space shuttle crashed while entering in the earth’s orbit on its day of return. In the video of the launch, the engineers in NASA noticed that a large and two small debris detached from the space shuttle and hit the left wing causing damage to it. (Columbia Accident Investigation Board, August 2003). At that moment the scale of damage was unknown and none of the engineers predicted that the small part of plastic will result in the shuttle explosion killing all the members on board and a huge loss to NASA. The breach in the shuttle resulted in the penetration of the superheated …show more content…

The tile losses in the shuttle contradicted to the original design requirements of the shuttle(Cause and Consequences of the Columbia Disaster, August 2014). Therefore, after the Challenger’s failure, it was the responsibility of the design engineers to improve the flaws in the design and check the safety features of the space shuttle; but the engineers failed in doing so. The management team should also be equally blamed for this mishap. The striking of the foam debris to the left wing raised concerns among the engineers about the safety of the shuttle, but the managers shared no concerns about it due to which the extent of the damage was not known. This highlights the ineffective communication between the managers and the engineers at NASA. In a consequentialist point of view, the mission failed as the outcome not worth to the several million that was spent on the Space mission. While a deontology would argue about the ethics violated by the engineers and the managers at

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