
Threat To The Health Of Indigenous Australians

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Colonialism in Australia places a detrimental threat to the health of Indigenous Australians. Inherent in colonialism were scientific racisms, institutional racism and structural violence. These factors continues to persist in the fabric of Australian society today and limits the life chances of Indigenous Australians. This essay illuminates colonialism as a major contributor to the social marginalisation and low socioeconomic status experienced by indigenous Australian. An analysis of Aboriginal infant mortality rate, a health indicator highlights the difference between biomedical and sociological approach and the embedded negative impact of social marginalisation and low socioeconomic status on the health of Indigenous Australians. The …show more content…

38). Thus, in addition to the pain of indigenous dispossession from their land and family, the felt stigma from racism further catalyses emotional disorders in the Indigenous population. As historically alcohol and tobacco were exchange currency for sex and labour, its frequent consumption and soothing effect became a cure for Indigenous pain resulting in 52% Indigenous population smoking tobacco and consuming alcohol that is harmful to their health at twice the percentage of the non-Indigenous population (AIHW, 2007, p. 3). Since tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption are major risk factors to infant mortality, the pertinent negative effects of marginalisation as a product of colonialism is highlighted.

Colonialism and its power in the educational system positioned Indigenous Australians in a low socioeconomic status perpetuating an intergenerational cycle of disadvantage ultimately resulting in a high Indigenous infant mortality rate. Socio- economic status is an indicator of social class based on income, education and occupation. Education of Indigenous Australians in the early years of colonisation are practically oriented and based around the management of garden and farm. This structural violence in societal institutions only equipped Indigenous students to participate in the lowest levels of the workforce. Although overtime education

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