
Colonial Mentality

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Lastly, the target participating group, the Filipino-American community, are victims of colonial mentality, causing them to become complacent with the current state of the movement. Colonial mentality involves the automatic idealization of the West, becoming uncritical of Western traditions and practices, and patronizing the Filipino culture as a result of postcolonial psychology (David 2013). This way of thinking holds Filipino Americans accountable for their lack of risks and political dissent in the community. The continuous endorsement of Americans as “freedom fighters, the masters of democracy, and enlightening heroes” manifest in the “tolerance and acceptance of historical and contemporary oppression of Filipinos and Filipino Americans” (David 2006). In the context of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans …show more content…

This relates to the idea of cultural hegemony as the idea of the Western countries being in power is left unquestioned and instinctively accepted. The advances the Americans created for the Filipinos should not be discredited, but the maltreatment, exploitation, and oppression the Americans imposed on the Filipinos must not also be ignored. Disregarding these negative aspects continues to perpetuate the idea that the Americans liberated the Filipinos, thus Filipinos and Filipino-Americans should not have the power in their voices to advocate against the American government. This way of thinking prevents Filipino-Americans from recognizing their political efficacy and maintains the idea that the oppression the Filipino-American community faces is a price they pay for assimilation. Additionally, this passivity as a result of colonial mentality benefits the colonizer because the American government continues to not feel pressured to make these changes for the Filipino

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