
Colonial America Dbq

Decent Essays

Democracy is a system of government where the supreme power is rested in the people. In colonial America, democratic features began early on and common rights were given such as the tolerance of religion, educational opportunities, freedom of speech, and a representative government. The principles of democracy were first mentioned in the Mayflower Compact as it notes about working together as to support the colony. As democracy in colonial America progressed, civil rights were provided to the majority but were limited to the minority.
Colonial America granted common rights such as freedom of speech and protection from crime. As Winthrop explains, “Wherein if we [the government] fail at any time, we hope we shall be willing to hearken to good advice from any of you…”(Document 11). If the …show more content…

That allowed the freedom of speech within the system to give opportunities for the colonists to improve it. Additionally, the Habeas Corpus gave people a chance to be proven innocent, “For the prevention of which, and the more speedy relief of all persons imprisoned for any such criminal or supposed criminal matters” (Document 13). This gave protection towards the colonists where they were given a chance to be proven innocent. Although colonial America gave natural rights to a majority of the colonists, there were some limitations as to who were given these rights, “none shall be admitted, freeman… but such planters as are members of some Congregational Churches nor shall any but such be chosen … to have the power to vote in establishing laws” (Document 10). Because it was limited to those who had education, not everyone had a

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