
Colombian Culture Essay

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Differences in the culture in Colombia and Chile at national and organizational levels

National level Table 1. Chile and Colombia cultural values. Source: Hofstede Insights (2018)

To understand the cultural differences between Chile and Colombia, it would be good to break down both countries taking into account Geert Hofstede's cultural values. As it can be seen in table number 1, the two countries got different scores in half of categories.
To begin with power distance, Chile got a score of 63, which means that a hierarchical social structure and rigid social classes are present. On the side Colombia got 67 , ¨which means that believes that inequalities amongst people are simply a fact of life.¨
Secondly, Chile scored 23 in Individualism, …show more content…

But Colombia has 64 in this dimension meaning to opposite to Chile, Colombia is a masculine society, highly success oriented and driven, Colombian people are ¨competitive and status oriented, yet collectivist rather individualist¨ .
Likewise, both countries scored similarly in Uncertainty avoidance, in other words, in both societies "people normally show a strong need for rules and elaborate legal systems in order to structure life and avoid ambiguity¨
Speaking of long term orientation both societies got similar ¨People in such societies have a concern with setting the absolute truth; they are regulatory in their thinking. They show respect for traditions, a relatively small propensity to save for the future, and a focus on achieving quick results¨ .
Last but no least both seem to be indulgent countries ¨ people in societies generally exhibit a willingness to realise their wishes and desires with regard to enjoying life and having fun, They possess a positive attitude and have a tendency towards

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